News Blog
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Announcing: Financial Literacy for Children and Teens
Alessandro Concas-inspired financial literacy curriculum designed to teach children and teens about how money works in a dynamic, fun and inclusive way. Alessandro Concas, the teen son of OMG, Inc. and Oksana® Enrichment Programs founders and “kid-preneur,” has...
Ritorna Vincitor! – Penny Wars outcome
ALESSANDRO'S 6th GRADE WON THE PENNY WARS CONTEST!!! By a landslide, too!!! 🙂 Alessandro wishes to thank ALL who donated to this very important school FUN-draiser! SPECIAL THANKS TO: (Please visit their websites!) MR. DUNCAN McCLELLAN (TITLE SPONSOR) (
Lawyer Making a Name for Himself Through Social Media
Dear Friends, and Italy Aficionados: Some of you may already know him, but for those of you who don't, please let us have the pleasure to introduce you to the one and only ANTHONY BARBUTO, a new awesome friend we recently made during our 'Where Fun meets Culture'...
Oksana Foundation Hosts Kick-Off Fundraiser
by Santa Clarita Magazine | Aug 27, 2021 | Community Southern California-based youth development nonprofit prepares for its first fundraising event to provide educational assistance for underprivileged children in the community Los Angeles, CA – Oksana Foundation, a...
OMG: Chi siamo e cosa facciamo?
Oksana Kolesnikova è un'artista, un'imprenditrice, una filantropa e un personaggio pubblico internazionale. L'estesa e interessante documentazione su di lei presente in internet lo dimostra. Oksana, come imprenditrice, ha tre attività: Oksana Management Group, Inc.,...
OMG: Who we are and what we do
Oksana Kolesnikova is a world-renowned artist, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and public figure. To learn more about her, simply Google her name or read about her on this page. MEET OKSANA: From Polo Lounge Entertainer to CEO and Entrepreneur Oksana Kolesnikova got her...
Oksana® Foundation: Making a Difference
Dear Friends: We are almost one year into the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic, and even though most of us never imagined the dangers of this virus would endure this long, the reality of the situation is tangible and undeniable. We’re all now asking the same questions:...
A New YOU: Personal Stylist/Image Consultant Collaboration with Denis Frison
Oksana® Enrichment Programs Continues to Evolve Through New Personal Stylist/Image Consultant Collaboration with Denis Frison Oksana® Management Group teams up with iconic fashion designer to offer a personalized shopping experience custom-tailored to each client’s...
Oksana® Foundation Thanks Denny & Company CPA Firm for Educational Program Funding
Prominent Valencia, California accounting practice sponsors Oksana® Foundation so that underprivileged children can enroll in premium After-School Enrichment curriculum. Los Angeles, CA – November 19, 2020 – The Oksana® Foundation, providing access to educational...