
Financial Literacy Book cover

Alessandro Concas-inspired financial literacy curriculum designed to teach children and teens about how money works in a dynamic, fun and inclusive way.

Alessandro Concas, the teen son of OMG, Inc. and Oksana® Enrichment Programs founders and “kid-preneur,” has spearheaded an exciting new endeavor by the Oksana® Management Group camp. This financial literacy curriculum has been specifically designed to teach children and teens about how money works in a dynamic, fun and inclusive way, the goal being to lead and empower the next generation to care about their financial future through lessons in money, managing finances and entrepreneurship.

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Click for Alessandro’s website

Some of the topics to be covered will include What is Money?, Spending/Allowance Plans, Budgeting, Saving and Investing, What is a Stock, How Credit and Debt Work, Charity Donations, Cost of College, Thinking Big/Goal-Setting and many more.

According to Oksana® Enrichment representatives, financial professionals will teach students important financial tips that, when implemented, will be beneficial throughout their lives.

“There are numerous benefits of financial education in schools, such as introducing positive financial habits at an impressionable age, preparing students for the workforce or part-time work in college and endowing students with vital expertise that can guide their financial decisions throughout life,” explains OMG co-Founder Oksana Kolesnikova. “We feel that everyone deserves to learn how money works, especially in times like these, when many people wish they were more financially grounded; however, it was our son, Alessandro, who pointed out the need for money management tips regarding his own peers, citing the fact that most kids don’t have a clue about financing in general.

“The simple money tips we are going to explore in this new program will give children and teens the proper confidence to be financially responsible, ultimately arming them with money management skills so that they never let themselves become overrun by debt. After all, it is our desire to see them evolve into masters of money…without letting money master them.”

Kind regards,
Oksana Enrichment Team

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